We Will Never Forget
Act Now To Help Secure America

On a beautiful, sunny morning thirteen years ago, our world changed forever. On September 11, 2001, our husbands and wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers were going about their normal routine when 19 Muslim terrorists viciously attacked America and took their lives. On that day, more than 3000 innocent men, women and children were violently murdered. And their families – our families – would never be the same.

I know the pain first hand; my son James was only 23 years old when he perished in the World Trade Center.

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Help 9/11 Families Secure America's Borders

In the days and months that followed, we came together as a nation and vowed to never allow this to happen again. We united as the American people and called on our leaders to make the necessary changes, insisting that our citizens be assured of their right to pursue liberty. To pursue happiness – to live.

My son and many others died because our government refused to secure our borders – and refused to enforce our immigration laws.

Make no mistake: IF our government had fulfilled their primary duty under our Constitution, that is, to protect Americans from foreign invasion…

…the infamous terror attack of 9/11/01 would not have happened and not only would those infinitely precious 3,000 Americans still be alive today – but the "terror wars" the United States has spent over a decade prosecuting in Afghanistan and Iraq in pursuit of Islamic terrorist perpetrators, at the cost of so much blood and treasure, would not have been fought.

The 9/11 Commission stated the fact very clearly: If terrorists can't get into the U.S. they can't commit terrorist acts in the U.S.

Yet the terrorists DID get into our country and they DID murder our loved ones. All BECAUSE our government refused to enforce the laws and ALLOWED the terrorists to commit their heinous crimes.

And tragically, this is STILL true today…

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Help 9/11 Families Secure America's Borders

What was true of the 19 terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks is also true for the millions of undocumented illegal aliens violating our nation's rule of law. We know NOTHING about these illegals. We don't know if they are murderers, rapists, gang members or kidnappers – or merely intruders, identity thieves, welfare cheats and drunk drivers.

The fact is that all illegals ARE criminals and many ARE violent felons. They have murdered tens of thousands of Americans in individual street crimes that you never hear about, because aggregating these numbers, analyzing them statistically and categorizing them according to their 'immigration status' is decried as racist in our contemporary Orwellian world of the politically correct.

The murders and other atrocities carried out by these alien criminals have taken far more innocent victims than died on 9/11. These atrocities occur every day and the victims and their families virtually never receive justice.

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Help 9/11 Families Secure America's Borders

I know, because I hear from their survivors. And invariably those grief stricken people ask me: "Why did the government allow people like that to come into our country and murder my child, my sister, my brother, my mother, my father?"

And the answer to that is really very simple… Barack Obama, plus many of the members of the U.S. Congress, don't want the laws enforced largely because of the huge campaign contributions and lobbying campaigns funded by corporate interests that want a continuing supply of cheap, illegal labor.

When you combine the power of the employers of illegals with the racist mob at…

  • LaRaza
  • AFL-CIO and other union thugs
  • The Socialist Party of America
  • The Communist Party of America

…you have a VERY STRONG coalition united to force wide open our already broken borders.

Decent, patriot Americans MUST unite and fight back!

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To the members of the 'open borders' lobby, dead Americans like my son Jamie are just a cost of doing business. A 'necessary collateral damage' in their deadly war for more illegals to join their unions, swell their membership rolls, vote for their candidates and work for cheap or off the books.

And in the fight against those like Barack Obama and the open border extremists who care NOTHING for our rule of law, there is only ONE national movement capable of advocating for the victims of illegal aliens. There is only ONE group forming an army of battle-tested, patriotic Americans whose voice is powerful enough to fight for secure borders and real immigration enforcement. 9/11 Families is that one group, the ONE voice from the VICTIMS committed to national security, border security, and immigration enforcement that assures PUBLIC SAFETY!

Don't be fooled. The situation is far worse now than it was even thirteen years ago when Muslim terrorists committed their evil crimes on September 11th, 2001. ISIS has risen globally and is confirmed to be recruiting hundreds of naturalized 'Americans' AND operating on our southern border with Mexico. Al Qaeda has had thirteen MORE years to infiltrate its sleeper agents into our communities. Obama is shipping in and unlawfully 'legalizing' unvetted illegals by the tens of thousands. Mexican cartels have had thirteen MORE years to bring in more drugs, more illegal aliens.

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Help 9/11 Families Secure America's Borders

Gangs of super violent illegals such as MS 13 and the Latin Kings have had thirteen MORE years to infiltrate and metastasize in hundreds of cities and towns across the nation. Individual violent criminals have had thirteen MORE years to enter our country and murder our citizens.

There have been thirteen MORE years of Islamic regimes' legal immigrants and 'refugees' here establishing 'terror mosques' that preach sedition against the United States and violence against 'infidels.' They teach adherence to Shariah law, the barbaric legal system that is contrary to all the basic beliefs of Western civilization and all the institutions of American liberty, and having been able to immigrate here, are increasing their numbers and political clout.

And what have been the consequences of this open borders mania? We now live in a country ravaged by…Mexican gangs, Vietnamese gangs, Korean gangs, Chinese gangs, Russian gangs, Haitian gangs, Columbian, Dominican, Jamaican, Guatemalan, Salvadoran, Albanian, Serbian, Iraqi, Iranian, Somalian gangs.

We have heard horror stories for years about the brutality of the Central American and Mexican gangs, and savagery of the drug cartel 'soldiers' but what about the 7th century barbarity of Islamic beheadings, 'honor killings' and Muslim immigrant gangs?

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Somali gang activity and Islamic supremacist violence is rapidly growing in 'gateway' cities like Lewiston, Maine; Shelbyville, Tennessee; St. Cloud, Minnesota; Clarkston, Georgia; and Jamestown, North Dakota.

In November 2010, 29 people from three Somali gangs in Tennessee were indicted for crimes ranging from credit card theft, sex trafficking, rape and witness intimidation.

And Muslim immigrants are demanding Islamic law-compliant courts, the Shariah that oppresses women and non-Muslims.

And guess what? ALL these alien 'communities' are eligible for the benefits of reverse discrimination in our Balkanized nation. The affirmative action plans developed to help the descendants of American slaves have been extended, without your knowledge or public referendum, to the Mexican illegal who snuck into the U.S. just last week, or the Islamist supremacist who wants to overthrow Western Civilization.

Donate Today – Give A Voice To The Victims Of 9/11
Help 9/11 Families Secure America's Borders

Not only that, illegals get 'free' medical care at your hospital, and Barack Obama has chosen to make them beneficiaries of his nationalized health care system.

Have you had enough yet?

Then, there's only one group for you to support: 9/11 FSA Foundation.

We're aggressive. We're no nonsense. We don't waste a nickel of your money on fancy office space in Washington, D.C. And we don't waste a nickel of your money on high salaried executives. As a matter of fact, none of our officers or activists is paid at all.

We spend every cent of every contribution we receive on fighting the Chamber of Commerce, the ACLU, the SEIU, AFL-CIO, agribusiness and corrupt politicians.

And we do it by educating and mobilizing the public and opinion makers to combat the threat of illegal immigration, and confronting elected officials and policy makers who are failing the American people.

It's now THIRTEEN years after 9/11 and less than 5% of our border with Mexico is guarded by a secure double fence barrier. Only 700 miles of our 1,900 mile border has any barrier at all.

We will not let this stand while American families remain so imperiled. Can you chip in $20…$50…or $100 dollars to help us fight for border security, giving voice to the tens of thousands of Americans who have been murdered by illegals? I know times are tough, but we can't afford not to protect our country.

Donate Today – Give A Voice To The Victims Of 9/11
Help 9/11 Families Secure America's Borders

Because what does Barack Hussein Obama do in response to these threats? He violates his oath of office, defiles the Constitution, and unlawfully enables hundreds of thousands MORE illegals to come to the U.S. – and then refuses to prosecute or deport them.

NEVER in our history has a president so openly VIOLATED his Constitutional obligations to enforce the law and to protect us from foreign invasion.

Who will speak for the victims of Obama's anti-American, pro-illegal, terrorist-coddling policies?

Who CAN speak against Obama's open invitation to any criminal or terrorist on Earth to become predators in our country?

Please join us in telling Congress that we've had enough. It's time they do their job – their constitutional duty. We must close the borders and stop allowing medieval Islamic fanatics, murderers, drug smugglers, rapists, and thieves free and easy access to slaughter our citizens and destroy our country. We need to move past denial, delusion and fatal complacency. Your support is crucial because even with all of the determination born out of our loss, we can't do it alone. But we can do it with your help. We must. For me, I do it for James. Who will you do it for?

Donate Today – Give A Voice To The Victims Of 9/11
Help 9/11 Families Secure America's Borders

At 9/11 Families, each and every one of us is committed to honoring the memories of America's murdered loved ones. As a nation we have no better way to commemorate their precious lives than to secure the blessings of liberty and America's safety, security and tranquility by stopping all threats of terrorism and violence on our nation's sovereign territory by foreign intruders.

We WILL speak for the victims. We WILL speak for those who, like my son James, will never speak again, because they are dead; murdered by illegal aliens. We WILL speak for the future of America – which without OUR citizen resistance to Washington's persistent betrayal, will be surely sacrificed by lying, corrupt, cowardly politicians.

As we mark this year's solemn anniversary of loss, please support our work of renewal and reform, and join us in fighting hard for America's brighter future. All gifts to 9/11 FSA Foundation are tax deductible; please donate what you can.

Donate Today – Give A Voice To The Victims Of 9/11
Help 9/11 Families Secure America's Borders

Securing America,

Peter Gadiel
9/11 Families for a Secure America Foundation

To send a check, please mail to:
2961-A Hunter Mill Rd., Ste 808
Oakton, VA 22124

9/11 FSA Foundation ®
The families and victims of the September 11th terror attacks
and other violent crimes committed by illegal aliens.

9/11 FSA Foundation is an IRS recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.